Wednesday, December 30, 2020

French Country kitchen cabinets

 I am back to working on what to do with the finish and placement of the kitchen cabinets. I've played around with base stains, and if I do that, it will be General Finishes Warm Cherry. I have vacillated between a base stain and then paint over with a creamy paint, like the Welsh Pot Board. 

To get a sense of what that might look like in practice, I've stained some Houseworks cabinets and am now painting them on the exterior. I also painted 2 cabinets simply from unfinished wood. The challenge I have is that the cabinets I have are M&R and are delicate and intricate and without taking the doors off, I'm trying to figure out how to finish them. I have stained these before, for my B&B and that worked out very well. I've also painted them for my Thornhill and this is where I ran into challenges. 

So I'm thinking that maybe I stain the insides, and paint the exteriors, kind of the best of both worlds. Staining the interiors will  be easy, easier than painting them, with the shelves and cut doors. At that rate, I will probably just stain exterior also to start. 

Here's one stained and with first coat of chalk paint Folk Art Bavarian:

Here's the painted only ones in Folk Art Bavarian Chalk (they also have antique wax on them):

Here's what they look like next to the Pot Board:

Here's a shot with them before I applied Antiquing Wax:

The placement of cabinets is also up for debate. I took several shots and I wont post them. It also made me struggle with the huge refrigerator, and if that should be painted to match. I think I've settled on this for now (obviously the uppers will be higher on the wall):

I'm also considering possibly attaching the double cabinet with glass doors to the corner cabinet and having it look like its suspended, can't show that so I've just placed it on top of the cabinet for now.